Orthomosaic Map
An Orthomosaic Map is the most up-to-date 2D visualization of your site that is corrected for any distortion. Compared with satellite maps that are taken from hundreds of thousands of feet high in the air, an orthophoto is taken at just a couple hundred feet high, making it extremely high resolution. Also, compared with Google Earth, which may be several years old, an orthomosaic map shows what your site looks like today. Absolute accuracy can be achieved by integrating ground control points and tying into the same coordinate system being used by the engineers. This would allow the orthomosaic map to be used as a base layer in GIS where you can overlay data like contours, elevation models, or even conduct an as-built vs. as-design comparison to spot for any deviations in the progress.
Ortho what?
Google Maps and Google Earth are two softwares used by almost all companies in the AEC industry. Many of the use cases of these softwares apply to this dataset. The only difference is you're using the most up to date, high resolution data available.

Measure with precision
You can measure on Orthomosaic Map within centimeter-level accuracy. Save time and man-hours by doing your measurements virtually.